Monday, May 22, 2006

American Idol Hollywood round one

The first round of Hollywood consisted of two days of solo performances of one of 12 pre-selected songs, to a piano and background vocal accompaniment, with each singer singing on one day and touring Los Angeles on the other day.

Of the 175 hopefuls who made it to Hollywood, 99 were selected to move on to the next round. Among those cut from at this time were:

Jeffrey "Ryan" Baysden auditioned in Greensboro. He was told by Simon, "finally, a Ryan with talent!"
Steven David, Jr. auditioned in his Air National Guard uniform in Greensboro, danced with Paula, and turned out to be married.
Ashley Guadamuz
David Hoover aka "Crazy Dave", sent through by Randy and Paula in Chicago. He is the first "bad" singer ever to be sent on to Hollywood.
Shelby Johnson
Linelle Kagawa
Kymyata Kelty
Eden Kentner
Ronnie "R.J." Norman was profiled as the "Cocky Guy" in Austin. He cried when he was eliminated in Hollywood.
Jayne Santayana auditioned in San Francisco, sang "Sweet Love" by Anita Baker.
Joshua and Jarrett Simmons are the younger set of male twins that auditioned together in Chicago.
Zachary Smits was a 17-year-old, auditioned in Chicago.
Jordan Southerland auditioned dressed as a firefighter in Greensboro.
Heather Ward was the African American woman who surprised the judges by singing Gretchen Wilson's country anthem "Redneck Woman" in Las Vegas.
Shawna White was 16 years old, wore pigtails that inspired yodeling from the judges, auditioned in San Francisco.
John Williams sang a Michael Jackson song and did a dance in San Francisco, Simon wasn't impressed with his "routine", but Randy and Paula put him through.
Kendra Winston was the mother of three children, grew up in 42 different foster care situations, auditioned in Greensboro.
Laura Wright auditioned in Greensboro. It showed her singing a little bit.

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